Thank the Donor

Thank the Donor™ is a patented, free, simple service allowing a patient, friend, or loved one to send an anonymous message to the person who donated the blood being transfused.

All Blood Products Are Now Tagged With Green Heart Reminders!

Nursing/Blood Bank Staff Role:  

thank the donor

Provide the Thank the Donor Information Card to the patient, their family member or friend – it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 to say “thank you!” You can, too!

How to Thank Your Donor
  • Go to using a smartphone, tablet or computer.
  • Scan the barcode of the Donor Identification Number or key in the numbers.
  • Send your message with or without a picture/selfie or video.

Sample Card

thank the donor sample

How it works

A section is provided on the informational brochure included with the unit(s) from the blood bank for nurses or blood bank staff to write or place the sticker with the Donor Identification Number. 

thank the donor sample 2

Good to know

  • All messages are reviewed by LifeServe Blood Center staff for privacy issues and appropriateness.
  • No negative comments will be forwarded to the donor.
  • All photos and videos are also viewed and will not be included with the thank you message if they include any patient or hospital identifiers or images of hospital staff.
  • Donors receive Thank the Donor messages of appreciation via email. 
  • If sharing permissions are granted by the person sending the appreciation, LifeServe Blood Center will share messages sent by patients with the hospital contacts provided. 
Anonymous Anonymous
Thank you so much for the gift of life. This is the 4th transfusion I’ve received this month due to a form of unknown severe chronic anemia, I’ve had a lot of tests ran to find out what my diagnosis is & receiving blood each week has been helping me be able to continue working full time & keeping up with my teenage daughter. My birthday is tomorrow & I can’t thank you enough for probably the best gift I will have received to start off my 38th year of life. God Bless You & thank you again from the bottom of my heart!!
Anonymous Anonymous
Thank you so much of your gift of blood. My father was in a motorcycle accident and needed lots of blood in his surgery. Without you, he would not have lived. We truly appreciate what you did and hope you continue to do it.
Anonymous Anonymous
As someone who never expected to need blood, I am really grateful to you for being a donor. My veins are very tiny and not easily accessible do being “poked” to get blood is a big deal.
Anonymous Anonymous
Thank you so much for donating blood. My mom is now feeling better after having a life threatening low hemoglobin on her journey with ovarian cancer. Thank you!
Anonymous Anonymous
Thank you my daughter was so sick and needed a transfusion this blood helped her get back to normal. Cant thank you enough
Anonymous Anonymous
After having an emergency C-section I'm so glad your generosity could help me get back to normal to be with my baby!
anonymous anonymous
You are helping to allow my family more time with my 76 year old father… he was recently diagnosed with leukemia and without your platelet donation he wouldn’t be here. Thank you! You are so cherished and appreciated!