Why are blood donors important?
Blood donors save lives - each donation can help up to three hospital patients in their critical time of need.
There is no substitute for your donation - each and every time you give you make a difference.
- More than 3,000 units of blood are needed each week to meet the needs of our hospital patients.
- Nine out of ten people who live to the age of 70 will use blood during their lifetime, yet less than five percent of the eligible population donates blood.
- In the United States, blood products that are transfused to hospital patients must be from an unpaid volunteer blood donor.
What are some of the benefits of becoming a blood donor?
With a single blood donation, you will do more to help others than most people do in a lifetime. In addition, LifeServe Blood Center rewards and thanks our donors with:
We want you to feel great after you’ve donated. Prior to your donation:
Drink plenty of fluids the night before and leading up to your donation - hydration is key to a positive experience.
Eat a good meal - do not donate on an empty stomach.
Incorporate a bit more salt in your meals and snacks on the day of your donation
Get plenty of rest prior to your donation.
Four basic steps make up blood donation:
Registration. Donors will provide their information, signed Parental/guardian permission form if necessary, and identification.
History Screening. Donors will complete a series of health and lifestyle questions and receive a mini-physical to check temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and hemoglobin level.
Donation. Collecting a unit of blood - about one pint - takes approximately 5-10 minutes. Donors may feel a slight pinch for a few seconds, but that is it!
Snacks. After the donation, donors will rest in the snack area and enjoy refreshments.