Plasma Donation

Plasma Eligibility




110 lbs 



110 lbs


LSBC_WeightChange_Female  LSBC_WeightChange_18Plus years of age


LSBC_WeightChange_Male LSBC_WeightChange_16Plus years of age

28 Days

28 Days

This an automated donation that allows donors to give more than double the number of plasma cells normally collected during a whole blood donation. This automated donation collects only the plasma and returns the remaining blood components to the donor.

The actual donation takes 40 minutes, making the overall donation process to just over an hour. Eligible plasma donors must weigh at least 110 pounds and be in general good health. Donors must be must be at least 16 years or older (with parental/guardian consent). Plasma donors can donate every 28 days.

Who you're helping: Donated plasma is very versatile! It can be used for transfusion for burn victims, and other hospital patients or to develop plasma-protein therapies. In fact, plasma donations can help folks impacted by more than 80 different diseases, including neurological disorders, immune deficiencies, and hemophilia. Many patients rely on plasma-protein therapies for their entire life or until a cure is discovered for their disease. 

lifesaving cycle

Plasma Eligibility

110 lbs  Minimum


110 lbs  Minimum

LSBC_WeightChange_18Plus years of age


LSBC_WeightChange_16Plus years of age
28 Days
28 Days

This an automated donation that allows donors to give more than double the number of plasma cells normally collected during a whole blood donation. This automated donation collects only the plasma and returns the remaining blood components to the donor.

The actual donation takes 40 minutes, making the overall donation process to just over an hour. Eligible plasma donors must weigh at least 110 pounds and be in general good health. Donors must be must be at least 16 years or older (with parental/guardian consent). Plasma donors can donate every 28 days.

Who you're helping: Donated plasma is very versatile! It can be used for transfusion for burn victims, and other hospital patients or to develop plasma-protein therapies. In fact, plasma donations can help folks impacted by more than 80 different diseases, including neurological disorders, immune deficiencies, and hemophilia. Many patients rely on plasma-protein therapies for their entire life or until a cure is discovered for their disease. 

lifesaving cycle