2025 Corporate Games

Last Updated on February 13, 2025

Blood donation Challenge

More information coming soon. To sponsor a blood drive, contact LifeServe at 515-309-4968 or Jana.Huegerich@lifeservebloodcenter.org. Companies that sponsor blood drives will have the best chance to win the Blood Donation Challenge!


Listed alphabetically below is a list of companies participating in 2024 Corporate Games with the corresponding employee code. Please use your team code when checking in at your appointment.

Code Company Code Company Code Company
0488 American Equity Investment Life Insurance Co. 0044 Farm Bureau Financial Services 1635 MODUS Engineering/RDG
2150 ARAG North America INC. 0207 Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines 2315 Musco Sports Lighting
2308 Armor Electric 0207 Farm Bureau Financial Services 1826 Myriad Advisor Solutions
1686 Atlantic Coca Cola Bottling 2161 Five Star FA 2268 Nortwest Bank
1284 Baker Group 1727 Foster Group 1621 Palmer Group
2226 Bishop Engineering 2069 Foth Infrastructure & Environment 2319 PepsiCo
2316 BHE Renewables 2070 Global Atlantic Financial Group 2075 PDM
1924 Casey’s 1529 Greater Des Moines Partnership 0948 Pella Corporation
0201 City of Des Moines 0085 Grinnell Mutual 0369 Principal
1725 City of West Des Moines 2233 Heartland Co-Op 1735 R&R Realty Group
2100 ClaimDOC 1966 Housby 1854 RMH Systems, Inc
0166 Collins Aerospace 2317 HR Green 1084 Ruan Transportation
1587 Community Choice Credit Union 0298 IMT Insurance 1772 SHAZAM, Inc
0330 Corteva 1729 Iowa Soybean Association 1513 Source Allies
2096 DCI Group, Inc. 0892 IowaWolves 1283 TEKSystems
0078 Dee Zee Inc. 2318 ISG 2266 Tri-City Group
0958 Deloitte 0084 ITA Group 2081 UHY
1232 Des Moines Marriott Downtown 0495 John Deere/John Deere ISG 2222 Valley Church
2066 DLL Finance 2073 Jones Lang LaSalle Brokerage Inc 2232 VizyPay
0187 Drake University 2074 Kingland 2314 Wal-Mart
2228 EFCO 0885 Krause Group (Kum & Go) 2238 Waukee Community School District
2067 Eide Bailly CPA 2216 Kuvare 1308 Wellabe
2229 Equitrust Life Insurance 2220 LCS 0749 Willis Automotive
2068 Ernst & Young 2311 Meriweather 1928 Writtern Group
2099 F&G 2221 Metro Waste Authority 2091 YMCA of Greater Des Moines
2309 Fareway 1800 MidAmerican Energy 1737 Zirous

AmesAnkenyDSMJohnstonPella Donor CenterUrbandaleWest Des Moines

LifeServe Blood Center is a non-profit community based blood center.
  • Schedule your blood donation appointment online at lifeserve.info/schedule or by calling 800.287.4903.
  • Donation must be at a participating mobile blood drive or at one of our Des Moines metro donor centers.
  • When arriving to your scheduled appointment give a LifeServe team member the code provided by your company so you get credit for your donation.